Add 'font ligature' in vscode


1 min read

what is 'ligature'? Font ligature in programming occurs where two or more graphemes or letters are joined to form a single glyph. Examples are the characters æ and œ used in English and French, in which the letters 'a' and 'e' are joined for the first ligature and the letters 'o' and 'e' are joined for the second ligature. For stylistic and legibility reasons, 'f' and 'i' are often merged to create 'fi' (where the title on the 'i' merges with the hood of the 'f');

Disclamer Not all fonts have ligature

Click F1 to open the command panel Type "open settings" You are presented with two options, choose "Open Settings (JSON)

add this lines:

  "editor.fontFamily": "*** Your ligature enabled font ***",
  "editor.fontLigatures": true,
  "...": "your other settings",

We are done! we have have font ligature in our IDE